Sunday 27 November 2011

November 26th 2011


deadload overhead press 60% 65% 70% of max at 120lbs 
65x5 70x5 80x5 85x5

clean and press
114lbs 5sets 5reps

405lbs 4 sets 50'

150x3 180x3 210x2 230x1

giant db press
45lbs x 4 55lbs x 4 65 x 4
**each set was done with each arm

November 24th 2011

Phase 2 Week 3 
Bench Press max set to 185lbs 

Bench press 75% 85% 95% 
95x8 120x5 140x5 160x3 175x1 180x1 180x1 185 failed

pull ups (super set with bench press)
bw 8 reps 4 sets

db military press 
30x12 35x12 35x12 35x10

db row 
55lbs 15 reps 3 sets

overhead tricep extension 
20lbs  for 12reps then 15lbs for 3 sets (set 1) 15lbs X 15reps for the next 2 sets

November 22nd 2011

Phase 2 Week 3
Deadlift max set to 335lbs 75% 85% 95%

box jumps with 10lbs db in each hand 6 sets 3 reps
**I had to move my box down 2 pins from my height with no weights in my hand (approx 8inches)**

135x5 185x5 225x5 250x5 285x3 320x1 340x1 355x1 320x1
**my legs felt weak, especially my hamstrings and glut**
also i wore my belt on the 250 set and up; I haven't wore my belt in a long time, I plan on wearing it at the comp so I wanted to see how it felt to lift with it.
**I noticed that my form was not the best on my lifts because of my tired legs, my butt was rising up before bar was coming off of the floor, i tend to do this when im tired.

Front squat
**I decided to squat with 5lbs plates under my heals; this felt really good, no pain in my knees and I upped my weight a lot because I felt much stronger with a slight heal lift. I will do all my front squats this way from now on
105x10 115x10 135x10 135x10

toe to bar 12 reps 4 sets

GHR (super set with toe to bar) 12 reps 3 sets
**I didn't do the forth set because my hamstrings were starting to cramp up, i think from the heavy deadlifting and from being pre-fatigued even before the workout started.
**I did change my settings on the GHR to make it harder because I have become stronger at the exercise.

Monday 21 November 2011

November 19th 2011


power cleans (practicing technique)
**I didn't press because my shoulders were tired from pressing Thursday
95x5 115x4 115x4 125x3 125x3 125x3 125x3 125x3

framers 100' 
160 170 170

150x5 180x4 180x4 180x4

November 17th 2011

Phase 2 Week 3 
Military press set to 120lbs max 

Military Press 75% 85% 95% 
45x10 65x5 90x5 102.2x3 114x1 failed (attempted it 3 times and failed everytime) 102.2x5 (I took this to max reps)

Pull ups (super set with military press) bw 8 reps 4 sets

db bench 55x8 60x8 60x8 55x8

band pull aparts (super set with db bench) 20 reps 4 sets

db lateral raise 15lbs 10reps 3sets

db bent over rear raise (super set with db lat raise) 15lbs 10reps 3sets

November 15th 2011

Phase 2 Week 2 
Squat max set to 250lbs 

power cleans 124lbs 3 reps 6 sets
**Paul watched my form and it helped me a lot, technique was way better than last week**

squat 70% 80% 90% 
135x5 160x5 175x3 200x3 225x3 240x1 240x1 240x1
**I really concentrated on keeping my core tight and pushing outwards on my knees, these weights felt a lot easier than they have in the past**

RDL 155x10 175x10x3

GHR sit ups bw 15reps 3sets

November 14th 2011

Phase 2 Week 2 
Bench max set to 185lbs 

Bench 70% 80% 90% of 185lbs max 
95x5 115x5 130x5 150x3 165x1 175x1 175x1 175x1

Pull ups (super set with bench press) bw 4sets 8 reps

db military press 30x12 35x12 35x12 35x12

db row 55lbs 15reps 3 sets

db ext 20x15 20x14 15x15

Monday 14 November 2011

November 12th 2011

**I was really sick this day at events and my body felt really weak so I only did 3 events

Clean and Press 
95x5 105x3 115x3 (4 sets)

160x50' 160x100' (2 sets)

150x3 180x1 210xfail 210x1 210x1

November 10th 2011

Phase 2 Week 2 
Deadlift max set to 335lbs 

Box jumps 
bw 6 sets 3 reps (box one level higher than b4)

deadlift based on 335 max
135x5 185x5 205x5 235x3 270x3 315x1 325x1 335x1

Front Squat 
110lbs 10 reps 3 sets

Toe to bar hanging leg raises
bw 12 reps 4 sets

GHR (super set with toe to bar)
bw 12 reps 4sets

**I was feeling really dizzy, weak and sick this day**

November 8th 2011

Phase 2 Week 2 
Military press max at 120lbs

Military Press 65% 85% 95% ( I messed this day up, it should have been 70% 80% 90%)
65x5 85x3 95x3 107.2x3

Pull Ups (super set with military press)
8 reps 4 sets

db bench press 
50x8 50x8 55x8 60x8

treadmill run 2 min warm up jog 45sec threshold pace 45 sec easy pace for 16min 2 min cool down

band pull aparts (super set with db bench press)
20reps 4 sets

db lat raise 
15lbs 10 reps 3 sets

db bent over rear raise (super set with db lat raise)
15lbs 10 reps 3 sets

November 7th 2011

Phase 2 Week 1 
Squat max set to 250lbs 

Power Clean 
109lbs 5 sets 3 reps
**my form was really bad time i will have Paul watch me to help me with form while doing these

Squat 65% 75% 85% of a 250lbs max 
135x5 165x5 190x5 215x5

135lbs x10 155x10 155x10 155x10

GHR sit ups
3 sets 15reps

November 6th 2011

Phase 2 Week 1 
Bench Press max set to 185lbs 

Bench Press 65% 75% 85% of max at 185lbs
95x 8 120x5 140x5 160x5
*I decided to stop at 5 reps at 160 because I didn't want to exhausted my shoulders and not be able to make my weight pressing this week

Pull Ups (super set with bench press)
4 sets of 8 reps

db military press 
30x10 35x10 35x10 30x10

db row 
50x15 50x15 50x15
* This was pretty easy for me, i didn't want to lift too heavy because I am still have some pain in my right mid trap

db tricep extension 
15lbs 15 reps 3 sets

Friday 4 November 2011

November 1st 2011

Phase 2 Week 1 
Military Press Max set to 120lbs

Military Press 65% 75% 85%
65x5 80x5 90x5 100x5
**my last set of 100lb x 5 was tough...the 5th reps was a max effort rep**

Pull Ups (super set with military press)
bw 8 reps 4 sets

db Bench 50lbs 8 reps 4 sets

band pull aparts (super set with db bench)
20 x4

db lat raise 15lbs 10reps 3 sets

db bent over rear raise (super set with db lat raise) 15lbs 10reps 3 sets

October 31st 2011

Phase 2 Week 1 
Deadlift max set to 335lbs

Box jumps bw 3 reps 6 sets

Deadlift 65% 75% 85% 
135x5 185x5 220x5 250x5 285x11
**I stopped my last set at 11 reps because I didn't want my back to be sore from deadlifting for the next few days.  I wish I would have done at least 12 reps because thats what I did with 300lbs the previous week**

Front Squat 
105x10 115x10 115x10

Toe to Bar bw 12 reps 4 sets

GHR (super set with Toe to Bar) bw 12 reps 4 sets